We aren't focused on your past, we are focused on where you're going. Come as you are- t-shirt, jeans, flip flops, coat, and tie, whatever’s comfortable. Getting to know Jesus is more important than fashion. Oh, and your kids will love it, too!

Here’s a list of what to expect when you visit:

  • Expect to see people just like you. You are not alone. We’re all seeking something and there are always other first-time guests, too! So take a deep breath, relax and enjoy what God has in store for you.
  • Expect to be waved to in the parking lot! There are parking spaces reserved by our sign just for you!
  • Expect to be greeted inside and to have someone from our Serve Team show you around and help you get your kids where they need to be.
  • Expect hot coffee, cold water, and a variety of snacks in our cafe. It opens at 10AM at our BPHC Campus.
  • Expect us to sing songs to God about how much we love Him and appreciate what He did and does for us.
  • Expect dynamic, powerful worship and praise music.
  • Expect to keep your wallet in your pocket when you’re a first-time guest. Just come and let us get to know you!
  • Expect to complete a Connect Card so we can send you information.
  • Expect energetic, compelling, practical Bible teaching and how to apply it to your everyday life.
  • Expect to enjoy church rather than endure it.
  • Expect your kids to want to come back to Kidz City. Tomorrow.
  • Expect to pick up a gift on your way out!

Don’t expect us to be perfect. We’re not. We make mistakes. We’re all broken people and God is putting us back together.